Greetings all! I found ONLY POEMS a few months ago and I’m relatively new to reading and writing poetry. My current favorite poet/writer is Vera Brittain while she is more well know for her memoir Testament of Youth I find her book Poems of the War and After particularly meaningful to me as a veteran. I also enjoy Emily Dickinson, whom I never understood from the few poems I read in high school but now that I’m much older I really appreciate her. I’m also reading Theologies of Terrain by Tim Conroy. I find it a little hit and miss but overall good.

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Hello ONLY POEMS community! My name is Michelle, I'm a French Canadian living in London, UK. I'm looking forward to catching up on all the great newsletters here. For the past two years, I've been writing a newsletter here on Substack called OBSESSED, where I explore obsessions and what they teach us about life through essays and interviews. A couple of months ago, I started writing poetry on a regular basis again (I used to write a lot of poetry as a teenager), and it's been so nice and such a breath of fresh air to reconnect with that part of myself. Looking forward to connecting with you!

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Hello. Just found OnlyPoems on Substack. I have a few favourite poets: Jillian Christmas, Oscar Wilde, Brendan Behan, d'bi young anitafrika, Dorothy Livesay, Pablo Neruda, W.B. Yeats, Ben Okri. I recently read Poetry as Spellcastin. I am an emerging poet and tried my hand at my second sestina.

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Thank you Only Poems for persevering with this platform. As I live in Canada anything that costs $$ is extra for me. As I am a senior on a very limited income any $$spent comes out of my grocery budget so I must be very judicial about my use of funds. It is sad really, but life today is, for me, and probably other writing seniors out there is often pay for a submission,or contest and visit the food bank, or not. I cannot offer you anything except my good wishes for success and my thanks. Be well. Monica Davis

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Hello from Brooklyn 👋

Introducing myself by way of poetry…

I’ve been living these words from a friend and fellow poet who recently passed: I saw the devil today, he said, “Damn, you ain’t dead yet. I said, “No mother fucker, I got things to say I don’t said yet.

I am working on memorizing poems this year… So far: Stolen Moments by Kim Addonizio, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost, and working on Object Permanence by Hala Alyan.

Every week, I answer one of Terrance Hayes questions on a century of poetry on my substack… among other things.

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Just popping in quickly to say Hello from Australia. I'm a poet and for a long time I didn't know it. I have a following on FB, have been published in a few anthologies over the years and self-published a few of my own books. I am a big fan of Emily Dickinson and I pretty much write or scribble down thoughts every day. Hoping to get to know more poets on here too.

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Hi. I'm Ryan. I entered the contest and got a two free month subscription. I began writing poetry thirty-nine years ago. I write in meter and rhyme, so I have to work a trillion times harder to get published one percent of the time that some free verse poets do. It is what it is. I am persistent and have still had some success regardless. I started a new poetry blog, thetomahawkman.com, but can't get motivated to make a second post due to no readers so far.

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Hi! I'm Mandy (they/them) and I found y'all on social media sometime in 2023, I think pretty close to when y'all started OP. I've been loving it and am excited to see where it goes!

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Hello, my name is Lise and I'm a poet from Canada. I've been fortunate to have pieces published in lit mags and been nominated for awards. It's hard to receive so many rejections, but I keep trying. I discovered poetry as a child in the early sixties, Sonnet 18, in Readers' Digest. I copied it out and hung it beside my bed, citing "anonymous" as the author. Because no one in my family knew from poetry. I memorized that poem, and "Casey At The Bat." Then in Junior High I had an enlightened young English teacher, who had us listen to Simon and Garfunkel and discover the poetry in the words. We wrote poetry for her, and she praised me to the skies. I was hungry for praise of any kind.

So I kept writing. Fifty years on, I'm still at it, endeavouring to express experiences of a full life, in words that will resonate with young and old. My favourite poet is Mary Oliver. I've read all her books and studied her guide to writing poetry. I read poetry every single day. The Daily Rattle tickles my inbox and I never miss it. I write poetry in my head, ceaselessly, though not all of it ends up on paper. Everything is a poem: a sunset, my garden of daffodils, love, memories, laughter and tears. The latest poem that has left me breathless (and jealous, LOL) is "My 88 year-old Mother-In-Law Decides To Make New Year's Resolutions," by Laurie Uttich, in Rattle 83, Spring 2024. Really looking forward to reading the Only Poems newsletter.

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Hello, all! My name is Dani and I have formal education in creative writing and poetry. I just finished the first year of my low-res MFA in CW-Poetry, so that's exciting! Also, I am Managing Editor of the Sierra Nevada Review, a lit mag that's been around for 30 years.

My goal is to become more involved in the literary community--especially with poetry--by volunteering as a reader for another publication, attending/hosting events & workshops, and submitting with more frequency so I can get my work out into the world! Feel free to reach out if you ever want to chat. Would love to do so with any of y'all!

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Hi all, I am very new to poetry. Certainly I'm not a poet, I'm a wannabe, but I do love it. It gives me a place to really let things come out on paper that I can't express otherwise. I came to this art form via a free writing course with Beth Kempton, who you can find here on Substack. She invited us to write some poems as part of the course and I fell in love with it. I'll probably never know if I'm any good at writing it, but I do know reading and writing poetry is good for me.

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Hello who’s reading. I’m unpaid for now. I wonder if that means my worth is questionable. Oh, i’ll trudge onward. Thank you for telling me to introduce myself. I fly east in the spring, across the atlantic, from the midwest. My poetry mentor has told me I use too many commas. I want to by a dog. I’m learning about ADHD on Tick tock. I like equal sentences next to each other. Drawn to couplets. But I’m no hero.

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Hello, everybody! This might be the most wonderful and soul enriching comment section I've ever seen. I came to this site via two poems by Shannan Mann shared by Little Engines zine. I connected with the writing deeply, in ways that resonated with what I know of myself and something beyond that. As for my writing, I've written in notebooks since I was a kid. I still incorporate writing into everyday life. Poetry opens a window and allows a freedom of expression (not just the what of expression but the how) that feels vital to me. I haven't shared the writing, it's just a sacred and special activity I allow myself to partake in, the way some might regard yoga or meditation. Peace to all of you!

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I am Robin Koger, an Alaskan born and raised, retired English teacher, holding a B.Ed. and member of the Alaska Writers Guild, with twenty-five published poems. I find inspiration at our cabin, approximately three miles from Denali State Park, and at fish camp on Chisik Island at the base of the active volcano, Mt. Illiamna. Memories, sensations, and observations of nature and relationships inspire my work. I enjoy the works of Tele Aadsen, Lara Messersmith-Glavin and e.e. cummings. I am currently working on a full manuscript and preparing to send it out for submission.

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Hello fellow poets, I’m Mahnoor Rehan, all the way from Islamabad, Pakistan. My favorite poet is Edna st. Vincent Millay. I also love works of Charles Baudelaire, Allama Iqbal, and Rumi.

You can find my recent pieces on the links below.

The Missing Slate: https://themissingslate.com/test-post/

Pandemonium Journal: https://pandemoniumjournal.com/against-the-rose-petals-by-mahnoor-rehan/?fbclid=PAAaZSI7m_f4KQJ5bj5R0C6t0bRxZD31t4PQePV4qBCTdOskm6neizYzrOIKc

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Hello Everyone, I am Shobana Gomes, a Malaysian Poet and Author. It's great to be part of this community. My blog address is https://shobanagomes.blogspot. Look forward to your visit. Have a fantastic poetic journey.

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